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杜鵑花 / とけんか : n 1)satsuki azalea (Rhododendron indicum)
杜鵑 / とけん / ほととぎす : n uk 1)lesser cuckoo (Cuculus poliocephalus)
時計屋 / とけいや : n 1)watch store 2)watch dealer
溶合う / とけあう : v5u vi 1)to melt together
解け合う / とけあう : v5u vi 1 1)to come to a mutual understanding 2 2)to cancel mutually (contract, etc.)
解合う / とけあう : v5u vi 1 1)to come to a mutual understanding 2 2)to cancel mutually (contract, etc.)
溶け合う / とけあう : v5u vi 1)to melt together
融け合う / とけあう : v5u vi 1)to melt together

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