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と言えば / といえば : exp 1)speaking of
と言えど / といえど : exp 1)be (that) as it may 2)having said that
問い返す / といかえす : v5s vt 1)to ask again 2)to ask back
問いかけ / といかけ : n 1)query 2)interrogation 3)enquiry 4)question 5)inquiry
問い掛け / といかけ : n 1)query 2)interrogation 3)enquiry 4)question 5)inquiry
吐息 / といき : n 1)sigh 2)long breath
問い切り / といきり : n 1)(Buddh) last death anniversary for which there is memorial service held (usu. th...
問切り / といきり : n 1)(Buddh) last death anniversary for which there is memorial service held (usu. th...

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