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/ / / つし / つち : n 1 abbr 1)ground 2)land 3)earth 4)soil 2 5)the region in question 6)the local area 3 7)skin 4 8)texture 9)fabric 10)material 11)weave 5 12)base 13)background 6 14)one's true nature 15)(7) narrative (i.e. descriptive part of a story) 16)(8) real life 17)actuality 18)(9) (in the game of go) captured territory 19)(10) noh chorus 20)(11) (in Japanese dance) accompaniment music 21)(12) (in Japanese music) basic phrase (usu. repetitive) 22)(13) base part (of multiple shamisens) n n-suf 1 23)earth 24)ground 2 25)place 3 26)territory 4 27)bottom (of a package, book, etc.) 5 28)earth (one of the five elements) P n 1 29)earth 30)dirt 31)clay 32)mud 2 33)the earth (historically, esp. as opposed to the heavens) 34)the ground 35)the land 3 36)low-quality torinoko-gami (containing mud) 4 37)(period of) refraining from construction in the direction of the god of the eart...
続ぐ / つぐ : v5g vt 1)to succeed (someone in a business or inheritance)
亜ぐ / つぐ : v5g vi 1)to rank next to 2)to come after
襲ぐ / つぐ : v5g vt 1)to succeed (someone in a business or inheritance)
継ぐ / つぐ : v5g vt 1)to succeed (someone in a business or inheritance) P
次ぐ / つぐ : v5g vi 1)to rank next to 2)to come after P
嗣ぐ / つぐ : v5g vt 1)to succeed (someone in a business or inheritance)
接ぐ / つぐ / はぐ : v5g vt 1 1)to join 2 2)to piece together 3 3)to set (bones) 4 4)to graft (trees) v5g vt 5)to join (cloth, wood, etc.)
注ぐ / そそぐ / つぐ : v5g 1 1)to pour (into) 2)to fill 2 3)to sprinkle on from above 4)to shed (e.g. tears) 3 5)to concentrate one's spirit or strength on v5g vi 4 6)to fall onto (of rain, snow) P v5g vt uk 7)(usu. written as kana when referring to a solid) to pour (into a vessel) 8)to dish out food or drink

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