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たも網 / たもあみ : n 1)fishing net (hand held, hoop with net on a bamboo stick)
たも : n abbr 1)fishing net (hand held, hoop with net on a bamboo stick) n 2)Japanese ash (Fraxinus mandshurica var. japonica)
多毛 / たもう : 1)hirsutism 2)pileous
保つ / たもつ : v5t vt 1)to keep 2)to preserve 3)to hold 4)to retain 5)to maintain 6)to support 7)to sustain 8)to last 9)to endure 10)to keep well (food) 11)to wear well 12)to be durable P
/ たもと : n 1 1)sleeve (esp. of a kimono) 2)pocket of sleeve 2 3)vicinity (esp. of a bridge) 3 4)foot of a mountain 5)base of a mountain
田守 / たもり : n 1)protecting a rice field 2)watching over a field 3)person who watches over a rice field
便り / たより : n n-suf vs 1)news 2)tidings 3)information 4)correspondence 5)letter P
頼り / たより : n 1)reliance 2)dependence P

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