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棚機 / たなばた : n 1)Festival of the Weaver (July 7th) 2)Star Festival (one of the five annual festivals)
棚幡 / たなばた : n 1)Festival of the Weaver (July 7th) 2)Star Festival (one of the five annual festivals)
織女 / しょくじょ / たなばた : n 1 1)female weaver 2 2)(astron) Vega (star in the constellation Lyra) 3)Alpha Lyrae iK n 4)Festival of the Weaver (July 7th) 5)Star Festival (one of the five annual festivals)
七夕 / しちせき / たなばた : n 1)Festival of the Weaver (July 7th) 2)Star Festival (one of the five annual festivals) P
棚牡丹 / たなぼた : n abbr uk 1)godsend 2)windfall
棚ぼた / たなぼた : n abbr uk 1)godsend 2)windfall
棚田 / たなだ : n 1)terraced rice-fields
たな引く / たなびく : v5k uk 1)to linger 2)to hover above 3)to trail 4)to hang over 5)to lie over

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