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ずば : exp arch 1)if it is not ... 2)if it does not ...
珠数 / ずず : n 1)(Buddh) rosary
数珠 / じゅじゅ / じゅず / ずず : n 1)(Buddh) rosary 2)string of prayer beads P
ずばり : adv 1)decisively 2)decidedly 3)once and for all 4)unreservedly 5)frankly P
ずべ : n col 1)female delinquent
ずは : exp arch 1)if it is not ... 2)if it does not ...
ずに : conj aux 1)without doing
ずつ : suf 1 1)apiece 2)each 2 3)at a time 4)piecemeal P

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