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上冬 / じょうとう : n obs obsc 1)tenth month of the lunar calendar
上騰 / じょうとう : n vs 1)advance 2)rise 3)jump
常灯 / じょうとう : n 1 1)continuously burning light (e.g. at a Buddhist altar) 2 2)roadside lamp that stays lit all night
常とう / じょうとう : n 1)conventionality 2)triteness
上棟 / じょうとう : n 1)raising the ridgepole
常套 / じょうとう : n 1)conventionality 2)triteness
上等 / じょうとう : adj-na adj-no n 1 1)superiority 2)first-class 3)very good 2 4)(that's) just fine! 5)bring it on! P
常套句 / じょうとうく : n 1 1)cliche 2 2)frequently used musical (guitar) phrase
常とう句 / じょうとうく : n 1 1)cliche 2 2)frequently used musical (guitar) phrase

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