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捜す / さがす : v5s vt 1 1)to search (for something lost) 2)to seek (a suspect in a crime) 2 3)to search (for something desired, needed) 4)to look for P
探す / さがす : v5s vt 1 1)to search (for something lost) 2)to seek (a suspect in a crime) 2 3)to search (for something desired, needed) 4)to look for P
左楽 / さがく : n abbr arch 1)style of gagaku based on Tang-era Chinese music and ancient Indian song and danc...
差額 / さがく : n 1)balance 2)difference 3)margin P
/ さが / しょう / せい / なりくせ : n 1 1)one's nature 2)one's destiny 2 3)custom 4)tradition 5)habit n n-suf 1 6)nature (of a person or thing) 2 7)(Buddh) that which does not change according to external influences n 1 8)nature (of a person) 2 9)sex 3 10)gender suf 4 11)-ty 12)-ity 13)-ness 14)-cy P ok n 1 15)one's nature
嵯峨 / さが : adj-t arch 1)precipitous
/ けん / さが : n adj-na 1 1)steepness 2)steep place 2 3)harsh (look) 4)sharp (tongue) adj-t arch 5)precipitous
/ あい / こもごも / さが / しょう / そう : pref 1)together 2)mutually 3)fellow adv uk 4)alternately 5)in succession n 1 6)one's nature 7)one's destiny 2 8)custom 9)tradition 10)habit suf 11)minister of state n 1 12)appearance 13)look 14)countenance 2 15)a 'seeming' that fortune-tellers relate to one's fortune 3 16)(ling) aspect 4 17)(physics) phase (e.g. solid, liquid and gaseous)

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