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犬馬 / けんば : n 1)dogs and horses 2)one's humble self
検波 / けんぱ : 1)detection (vs)
県費 / けんひ / けんぴ : n 1)prefectural expense 2)prefectural funding
兼備 / けんび : n vs 1)being proficient in both 2)combine both
顕微 / けんび : adj-na n 1)microscopic
犬皮 / けんぴ : n 1)dog skin 2)dog hide 3)dog fur
建碑 / けんぴ : n vs 1)erection of a monument
健否 / けんぴ : n 1)condition of health
県費 / けんひ / けんぴ : n 1)prefectural expense 2)prefectural funding

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