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区立 / くりつ : n adj-no 1)established by the ward P
九輪 / くりん : n 1)kurin (nine vertically stacked rings of a pagoda finial) 2)pagoda finial
くり色 / くりいろ : n adj-no 1)chestnut-color 2)chestnut-colour
繰戸 / くりど : n 1)sliding door
繰り戸 / くりど : n 1)sliding door
苦慮 / くりょ : n vs 1)rack one's brains P
栗毛 / くりげ : n adj-no 1)chestnut (horse coat color)
功力 / くりき / こうりき : n 1)merits (influence) of one's pious acts or religious practice n 2)spiritual power resulting from Buddhist discipline

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