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くも膜下 / くもまくか : 1)subarachnoid 2)subarachnoidal
くも膜下腔 / くもまくかくう : 1)subarachnoidal space 2)subarachnoid space 3)subarachnoid cavity
くも膜 / くもまく : 1)arachnoid 2)arachnoidal 3)arachnoid membrane
雲合い / くもあい : n 1)look of the sky
/ くもり : n 1)cloudiness 2)cloudy weather 3)shadow
曇り / くもり : n 1)cloudiness 2)cloudy weather 3)shadow P
雲足 / くもあし : n 1 1)cloud movements 2 2)overhanging clouds
雲脚 / うんきゃく / くもあし : n 1 1)cloud movements 2 2)overhanging clouds

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