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くみ取る / くみとる : v5r vt 1 1)to scoop out 2)to pump out 2 3)to understand 4)to surmise
与する / くみする : vs-s 1)to take part in 2)to be implicated in 3)to side with 4)to support
汲みとる / くみとる : v5r vt 1 1)to scoop out 2)to pump out 2 3)to understand 4)to surmise
汲み取る / くみとる : v5r vt 1 1)to scoop out 2)to pump out 2 3)to understand 4)to surmise P
汲取る / くみとる : v5r vt 1 1)to scoop out 2)to pump out 2 3)to understand 4)to surmise
くみ取る / くみとる : v5r vt 1 1)to scoop out 2)to pump out 2 3)to understand 4)to surmise
組み換え / くみかえ : n vs 1)rearrangement (of classes) 2)recomposition 3)recombination 4)reclassification
組替え / くみかえ : n vs 1)rearrangement (of classes) 2)recomposition 3)recombination 4)reclassification
組み替え / くみかえ : n vs 1)rearrangement (of classes) 2)recomposition 3)recombination 4)reclassification P
組換え / くみかえ : n vs 1)rearrangement (of classes) 2)recomposition 3)recombination 4)reclassification

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