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くたばれ : exp X vulg ktb: 1)drop dead! 2)go to hell! 3)fuck you! 4)shove it!
くたばる : v5r vi 1 col 1)to kick the bucket 2)to drop dead 3)to die 4)to croak 2 5)to be pooped 6)to be exhausted 7)to be knackered P
糞蠅 / くそばえ : n col 1)greenbottle
糞蝿 / くそばえ : n 1)dung fly
草臥れる / くたびれる : v1 vi 1 1)to get tired 2)to be exhausted 2 3)to wear out 4)to be battered from long use P
口入れ / くちいれ : n vs 1)acting as go-between 2)good offices
崩れ / くずれ : n 1)crumbling 2)collapse 3)ruin P
くたくた : adj-na adj-no 1 1)(on-mim) exhausted 2)tired 2 3)withered 4)worn out n 3 5)boiling until shapeless or mushy 4 6)tediously 7)repetitively 8)wordily P

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