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噛ませる / かませる : v1 1 uk 1)to force something into someone's mouth (i.e. a gag) 2 2)to wedge something into a space, filling it 3 3)to feed someone (something)
構える / かまえる : v1 vt 1 1)to set up (e.g. a building) 2 2)to prepare in advance (e.g. a meal) 3)to prepare to use something (e.g. a camera) 3 4)to plan 5)to scheme 4 6)to fabricate in order to deceive 5 7)to stiffen 8)to become formal P
感ける / かまける : v1 vi uk 1)to be too busy 2)to be occupied 3)to concentrate on single-mindedly
かませ犬 / かませいぬ : n 1)foil 2)someone to look as if he's putting up a fight but actually have no chance of win...
/ かまめ / かもめ : ok n 1 uk 1)common gull (Larus canus) 2)mew gull 2 3)gull (Laridae spp.) 4)seagull n 1 uk 5)common gull (Larus canus)
鎌海豚 / かまいるか : n uk 1)Pacific white-sided dolphin (Lagenorhynchus obliquidens)
鎌入れ / かまいれ : n 1)harvesting
構う / かまう : v5u 1 1)to mind 2)to care about 3)to be concerned about 2 4)to care for 5)to look after 3 6)to prepare for 4 7)to interfere with 8)to meddle in 5 9)to tease P

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