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欠けら / かけら : n 1)fragment 2)broken pieces 3)splinter P
欠片 / かけら : n 1)fragment 2)broken pieces 3)splinter
家憲 / かけん : n 1)family constitution
化研 / かけん : 1)Institute for Chemical Research (pl)
掛値 / かけね : n 1 1)inflated price (assigned in anticipation of being haggled down) 2)overcharging 2 3)exaggeration
掛け値 / かけね : n 1 1)inflated price (assigned in anticipation of being haggled down) 2)overcharging 2 3)exaggeration
/ かけひ : n 1)open water pipe 2)conduit
掛け布 / かけふ : n 1)cloth covering

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