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覗う / うかがう : v5u vt 1 1)to peep (through) 2)to peek 3)to examine (esp. covertly) 2 4)to await (one's chance) 3 5)to guess 6)to infer 7)to gather 8)to surmise
伺う / うかがう : v5u vt 1 hum 1)to ask 2)to inquire 3)to hear 4)to be told 2 5)to implore (a god for an oracle) 6)to seek direction (from your superior) v5u vi 3 hum 7)to visit 4 8)to speak to (a large crowd at a theatre, etc.) P
窺う / うかがう : v5u vt 1 1)to peep (through) 2)to peek 3)to examine (esp. covertly) 2 4)to await (one's chance) 3 5)to guess 6)to infer 7)to gather 8)to surmise
伺い / うかがい : n 1)inquiry 2)enquiry 3)question 4)call 5)consulting the oracle 6)visit
外郎 / ういろう : n 1 1)sweet rice jelly 2 2)Edo-period herbal medicine (used as an antitussive and a breath freshener)
有界 / うかい / うがい / ゆうかい : n 1)(Buddh) realm of existence n adj-no 2)(math) bounded
迂廻 / うかい : n 1 1)detour vs 2 2)to detour 3)to circumvent n 3 4)(mil) turning movement
鵜飼 / うかい / うがい : n 1 1)cormorant fishing 2 2)cormorant fisherman
鵜飼い / うかい / うがい : n 1 1)cormorant fishing 2 2)cormorant fisherman
迂回 / うかい : n 1 1)detour vs 2 2)to detour 3)to circumvent n 3 4)(mil) turning movement

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