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Association of Southeast Asian Nations : 1)アセアン(東南アジア諸国連合);:ASEAN
Association of Southeast : 1)東南アジア連合;:ASA
Association of Student Governments : 1)学生自治会協会;:ASG
Association of the Wildlife Conservation : 1)野生生物保存協会;:AWC
Association for Educational Data Systems : 1)教育データシステム協会;:AEDS
Association of West European Shipbuilders : 1)欧州造船工業;:AWES
Association for Dignified Mental Death : 1)尊厳死権利ため協会;:ADMD
Association of Consumer Affairs Professionals : 1)エイキャップ消費者問題専門家会議;:ACAP

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